Raspberry & Pomegranate Wine Spritzer!


Today was a scorcher! 22 deg (which is great for Scotland!), looking for a refreshing drink thought I would experiment with Tea and wine…..yes you heard me….Tea and wine! It was so refreshing and fruity, just what I needed on a Hot Sunday afternoon.


2 Tea Bags of fruit infused (I used Twinings Raspberry & Pomegranate)


Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio Wine (amount to your choosing!)


  1. Firstly pop 2 T Bags in warm water and allow to infuse – about 3-5 mins.
  2. Remove T. Bags and allow to cool.
  3. Chill a glass and add some white wine, ice cubes and then fill with the Tea……Serve…Yummy!

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Spiced aubergine salad with pistachio yoghurt


I love pistachio’s and always looking for new ways to incorporate into my dining. This was delicious.

Serves 4


Mixed leaves of choice, Grated Beetroot, Grated Carrot, Cherry tomatoes (halved), cucumber sliced, Feta cheese, Olives (your choice), 1 pomegranate, Olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar for dressing.

Spiced Aubergines:-

3/4 Aubergines (Halved)

1 garlic clove

Olive oil (2 tbsp)

1 tbsp cumin

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp garlic

Salt and pepper to taste

Pistachio Yoghurt:-

6 tbsps Pistachio’s

Handful of fresh mint

250g natural yoghurt

1 tbsp olive oil


1. Preheat oven to 220 deg.

2. Halved Aubergines longways, and make 1cm deep cuts diagonally about 2-3cm apart. Rub the garlic over the top of each one and season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with olive oil and bake in oven for approx 30-40 mins.

3. Mix up aubergines spices and dust over then cook for a further 5 mins.

4. For the yoghurt, mix pistachios, yoghurt, mint and olive oil in a blender until smooth. Set aside until ready.

5. Mix all salad ingredients in a bowl with dressing, serve onto a plate and sprinkle feta cheese over.

6. Cut pomegranate in half and carefully remove seeds, discarding any white pith, sprinkle seeds over salad.

7. Place baked Aubergines on top of salad and serve with the yoghurt dressing.
