Shetland Saucermeat


Saucermeat or Sasermeat (as its pronounced) is n Iconic traditional dish in Shetland Islands. Mainly beef but sometimes lamb is used. The islanders mix it with a beautiful dry spice mix to give it a unique flavour. Meat can be made into meatballs, burgers, oven dishes it’s really your choice.

I decided to go for the traditional Lorne sausage (square sausage).

Makes about 4 sausages

400g Saucermeat

1 tsp salt

2 tsp spice mix


For the Spice Mix

1 tsp black peppercorns

1 tsp white peppercorns

1 tsp whole allspice

1 tsp whole mace

1 tsp cinnamon

pinch of whole cloves


  1. Mix the dry spice together and then add to the saucermeat, blending well.
  2. Take the meat and shape in a Lorne sausage about 1cm thick, season with salt
  3. I used my crisperplate to cook for about 10 minutes. Alternatively you can grill or shallow fry for the same time.
  4. Serve on a scottish butter morning roll. Yum!