Turmeric Stir Fried Eggs with Tomato


New Year, New Recipes, New ideas, New ways of thinking and so on………..yes we all do it in January and this one was no different. I am trying to look for new ways to add health benefit spices to my food, so thought I would start with Turmeric, a spice rice with anti-inflammatory effects, powerful antioxidants which protect our body from free radicals, know to improve brain function, lower your risk of heart disease, prevent cancer, it even has anti-ageing benefits (I so on this one…lol). So why not?

This little dish was so tasty, I will definitely be having it more.


Makes 2 portions

4 eggs

spray oil

2 tsps turmeric

Salt & pepper

6 cherry tomatoes – cut into quarters

2 tsps parsley (dried or fresh) – I used dried


  1. Heat oil in a fry pan on medium heat
  2. Gently heat through tomatoes until slightly soft
  3. Whisk up eggs and pour into pan, add turmeric, parsley and salt & pepper, allow to sit for a minute then gently mix through until you have a scrambled egg consistency. Serve immediately.




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